Louisiana Ascension Parish Scheduled Kratom hearing - Cancelled

Louisiana Ascension Parish has cancelled the kratom hearing scheduled for today (Thursday 7/21/22.) This is a direct result of the advocacy efforts from the kratom protector community
We will continue to monitor the situation and help educate officials. This is important for all Louisiana and American Kratom Protectors. Arguments against kratom being pushed in Ascension are similar to attacks we're seeing elsewhere, especially from rehab center owners. The American Kratom Association is working hard to show the real science and dispute what is often fear-mongering and completely false claims.
At a recent Louisiana Ascension Parish Strategic Planning meeting, anti-kratom rehab groups shared why they felt kratom should be banned.
There was a lot of misinformation shared about kratom, including the Sherif's Department stating "basically it is synthetic heroin."
The Parish then called for a full hearing on kratom, originally scheduled for today, to help them consider banning and criminalizing kratom.
Louisiana Ascension Parish Scheduled Kratom hearing - Cancelled
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