Why try to make you a criminal?

The past six months we've seen an increase in the variety and volume of attacks on kratom consumers from all over America. The worst part has been an increase in rhetoric and attempts to criminalize kratom possession and consumption!
Why do they keep attacking kratom consumers?
America doesn't need more people arrested for consuming natural products, especially something millions safely use daily, and even the WHO ECDD said doesn't merit a critical review. These attacks have come from across America including:
- Ascension Louisiana Parish is still considering CRIMINALIZING kratom based on attacks from rehab centers and others! They will hold a hearing August 18th (AKA preparation Webinar is 8/16, see more below)
- A variety of new state ban attempts including in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Kentucky, Washington State, Tennessee, Louisiana, and local ban attempts
- The Nevada Board of Pharmacy scheduled a Hearing on the proposal to classify kratom as a Schedule I banned substance in Nevada. The public outcry forced them to cancel the Hearing on kratom, but they vowed to come back next year after the Legislative Session to ban kratom
- Missouri Governor Parson vetoed the Kratom Consumer Protection Act and publicly stated the FDA had told him kratom was illegal in Missouri and everywhere else in the United States — THAT IS A BALD-FACED LIE AND HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN IT!
- Mississippi Medical Association attempted to have the American Medical Association advocate for kratom to be listed as a Schedule 1 Drug
- State ban reversals in states like Wisconsin, Rhode Island, Vermont, Arkansas, Indiana, and Mississippi have been met with stiff resistance from Sheriff groups and rehab centers who use circumstantial evidence and hearsay to condemn kratom consumers.
These continued attacks are frustrating, require a lot of work and resources to overcome, and are incredibly harmful to the millions of Americans like you who safely consume kratom. While these attacks are diverse in location and come from a variety of groups, there is one common theme throughout: fear and misinformation about kratom and kratom consumers.
With your support and donations, the AKA legislative team has been able to present the science of kratom and show who are the real kratom consumers! The officials who want to see the actual science have understood our message and recognized the need to protect kratom from adulteration, and not criminalize kratom consumers. Correcting the misinformation on kratom and sharing your stories to officials has made the difference!
However previous success is no guarantee of future victories, and recent attacks on consumers show new and unrelenting enemies. These past six months have drained resources and we have to have more members contribute to protect consumers this fall and beyond. Please donate today to stop kratom criminalization and protect consumers this fall and beyond! Thank you if you've already donated and please ask others to help as well! We can protect consumers together!
Read more: Why try to make you a criminal?
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