Kratom in Louisiana - Latest Legality News
Kratom in Louisiana - Latest Legality News
Southeast Asian native tropical tree kratom has received a lot of attention recently for its alleged therapeutic and recreational properties. However, there is disagreement over its legal standing, and there are different rules in other places. Both consumers and policymakers in Louisiana have expressed interest in and concern over the legality of kratom.
By emphasizing crucial dates and providing details on current legislative and regulatory actions, we explore the most recent information on the legality of kratom in Louisiana. No matter if you use kratom for its potential benefits or just have a strong interest in its legal status. Let's examine the most recent developments to see whether they might affect your ability to get this plant-based product into the state.

kratom in Lousiana - 2023
Kratom Consumers are Under Attack in Louisiana - Friday, 05/26/2023 Update
Competing KCPA & Ban Bills in Louisiana. Here’s the latest and how to help
- Louisiana House passed House Bill 655: Kratom Consumer Protection Act on Thursday 5/25/23
- Louisiana Senate passed a ban bill on Monday 5/22/23
Next steps:
Louisiana Senate Committee is meeting on Tuesday 5/30 on HB655: The Kratom Consumer Protection Act. Please use the following link and fill the first form - Email Senate Members to Support HB655: LA KCPA. Tell the Comm. Members to Pass this Bill. Add your own positive story why kratom matters to you. The Louisiana Legislature is considering a Kratom Consumer Protection Act to tell the Comm. Members to Pass this Bill
- Louisiana House Committee is likely meeting Wednesday 5/31 on the Senate Ban Bill that passed 5/25. Please use the following link and fill the second form - Email House Committee Members: Don't Support Senate Ban Bill Tell the Comm. Members NOT to support this kratom ban bill. Tell them “don’t criminalize honest citizens and voters”. Add your own positive story why kratom matters to you. The Louisiana Senate Passed a Ban Bill & AOJ House Committee is Meeting on it.
Cenla lawmaker pushes for statewide ban on Kratom - 04/26/2023 Update
State Rep. Gabe Firment (R-District 22) made a push to ban Kratom across the state and categorize it as a Schedule I drug. Firment contends that kratom is a risky drug that can result in addiction and overdose. Grant Parish is one of the few parishes that have unilaterally banned the substance at the municipal level. Additionally, he asserts that kratom is being recklessly sold to young people as a secure substitute for pharmaceutical opioids.
The American Kratom Association has spoken out against Firment's legislation, claiming that kratom is a safe and efficient plant that may be used as a treatment for a number of conditions, such as pain, anxiety, and depression. The group further emphasizes that kratom has never been connected to a fatal overdose and is not addictive.
The House Committee on Health and Welfare is presently debating the measure. Although it is uncertain whether the bill would succeed, Firment has declared his commitment to seeing it through.
Louisiana State Senator Caleb Kleinpeter Introduces Bill to Ban Kratom - 04/11/2023 Update
Louisiana State Senator Caleb Kleinpeter has introduced legislation to prohibit the use of kratom. Kleinpeter, a Republican from St. Martinville, expressed alarm about the possibility for kratom abuse and addiction.
The Louisiana Senate Committee on Health and Welfare is now considering Kleinpeter's legislation. Although it is uncertain whether the law will succeed, Kleinpeter has declared his commitment to seeing it through.
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